Aqua Detox vs Ion Cleanse
This is what Ion cleanse does not want you to know.
The Aqua Detox™ System is a Safe, Certified Medical Device whose design was rigorously tested and passed under the MDD (Medical Device Directive) in Europe where it’s manufactured. Before the first Aqua Detox System was available for sale, it was put through the demanding MDD Safety Certification Testing Process. IT IS GUARANTEED SAFE TO USE. CLICK HERE FOR MORE PROOF.
AQUA DETOX gives our users TWICE the DETOX compared to Ion Cleanse, because European Standards are twice as high. AQUA DETOX delivers a uniquely robust treatment with a more sophisticated machine.
AQUA DETOX automatically changes ionic polarity every minute during the treatment. This feature offers the body a balance of positive and negative ion charges, the body will absorb what is needed.
Our Array design is more effective for delivering Ionic Detox Charges, and it’s patented. Also, AQUA DETOX Arrays are inexpensive, easy to replace and don’t require the user to change the clumsy plates like the Ion Cleanse.
ION CLEANSE Alleged Tests Fail Miserably
Seemingly desperate Ion Cleanse created a technical looking report showing that the Ion Cleanse tested five of their competitors systems and their Ion Cleanse is the only unit that passed…. Well, how shocking?? When these Ion Cleanse reports were analysed by a contracted Engineering Service, one Engineer was amused to find NO TEST DATA IN THE REPORTS, only arbitrary PASS or FAIL courtesy of Ion Cleanse. Even after contacting Ion Cleanse, and Sprackling Consulting, contracted Electrical Engineers were NOT ABLE TO OBTAIN EVIDENCE OF A SINGLE TEST PERFORMED OR DATA OF ANY KIND, moreover they were told Ion Cleanse managers controlled the testing themselves. Engineers alerted Ion Cleanse that the terms PASS and FAIL are not considered technical test data.
It is quite clear that neither Ion Cleanse nor Sprackling Consulting Company are employing anyone capable of selecting, organizing, performing or summarising Electrical Standards Testing with Integrity and Quality of the MDD in Europe.
Contrary to what Ion Cleanse advertise, FCC Compliance has NOTHING to do with personal safety of these Low Power Medical Devices.
The address shown on the letterhead for Sprackling Consulting Company is to a private residence in Golden, Colorado a very short distance from Ion Cleanse. The woman answering the telephone stated they do not have any qualified Engineers.
Aqua Detox is an International Company which has never found it necessary to criticise its competitor’s nor make false claims. Our System stands up for itself and the many people who have benefited from its use are evidence to our claim as being the number one selling system in the World.
Aqua Detox is about Customer service which we pride ourselves on. Please give us a call or click here if you have any questions about our system.
CLICK HERE to view the Final Technical Report by… Professional Electrical Engineering Services.